
As a self-described “master of time”, you’re confident in your ability to meet a deadline or succeed at a schedule. But lately there never seems to be enough time, so you’re on the hunt to learn how you can bottle time, reuse it, and maybe even sell it. Fame and fortune are just around the corner if you do!

You’ve been invited to the gardens by a mysterious guide, who promises to teach you the secrets of mastering time where the city meets nature. Will you be able to use those secrets to create a method to bottle time?

This adventure starts at the edge of QUT Garden’s Point, on the intersection between Main Drive and Musgrave Lane.


This story was created to celebrate 50 years of Landscape Architecture at QUT.

Not only can you take part in an adventure but you can also experience firsthand how landscape architects learn to ‘see’ the hidden world around us, to design better places for people and other living things, and master time itself. Discover more at: https://www.qut.edu.au/study/study-areas/study-landscape-architecture


Rating: G


Landscape Architecture Design Videos: Ai3D

Narration: Kevin Powe

Music: Christopher Healey


This story was made possible by the Landscape Architecture team at the QUT School of Design, Gardens Point, Brisbane.

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