Indigenous Cultural Heritage and Scarred Trees
That year me and my men
held our victory on the un-
known land.
Our guns with no limits,
Our weapons taking souls of
“Them people have no chance”,
I spoke out to my men.
We had all seen them flee
and then later we saw
what we had done.
Now we realise what
the guns of thunder
have done to us all.
By Kyle, 14 years old.
Large pale gashes are scars for these trees
Large pale gashes are scars for these trees
They’ve seen their family chopped to pieces
And placed as logs around them.
They, themselves, have been spared with only scars to remind them.
By Ceethu, 14 years old
I stood here stationed for so long
I stood here stationed for so long
Watching all the changes passing by
I’ve made up a new song.
As I sing it to my twin, it goes like this:
Humans live oh-such-a-short time,
Children jump to elderly in the flash of an eye,
The name Scarred Trees is mine,
Many vertical gashes, how am I still alive?
I am the other scarred tree,
Old, saggy and caged,
I wish I was free,
I want to move on to another life.
Chainsaws approach, slashing our surroundings,
Finally, this is the finale.
The chainsaw noise gets closer, this is just outstanding!
A warm sensation of bright light approaches.
We are no longer the scarred trees.
By Lonna, 14 years old
Noller Bridge: To continue to the final historic location on the Parracons Poetry Path, head right back the way you came, and follow the pathway along the river east, until you reach Noller Bridge.