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Rocky Mountain Icehouse

Artist: Cliff Vacheresse

This is Edmonton’s main street Jasper Avenue. The road was named after Jasper Hawes who was the manager of a trading company in the area. While the original Jasper House trading post was in Brule Lake, Alberta, a the Jasper House Hotel was erected along Jasper Avenue in Edmonton’s original Chinatown. It’s now the Hub Hotel in the Quarters just east of 97 Street, which is part of an historic skyline visible from across the river valley.

While on the topic of Jasper, the eponym townsite located in Jasper National Park located in the Rocky Mountains is also a namesake for Jasper Hawes. What a fitting connection that you’re now at Rocky Mountain Icehouse with the chalet-style winter patio.

On the way to Cask and Barrel, you’ll pass by Beaver Hills House Park. The Cree historically called the Edmonton area Amiskwaskahegan, which means Beaver Hills House.

Wayfinding: The next stop on our city sculpture tour is the Cask & Barrel, where you can find the love! Cross at the lights to the south side of Jasper Avenue. Cross at the lights to the east side of 104th Street and head south where you will reach the Cask & Barrel just before the alleyway.