
CarePros Origin Stories: Community That Cares

My entrepreneurial journey began over 10 years ago, when an elderly family member was unfortunately diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. As a result, we needed to access home care. And one day when we were visiting this family member, we came home to a situation that forever has been embedded in my memory. We walked into a situation of, of neglect in the health care aide, was not able to communicate or provide care to this family our family member who didn’t speak English.

As a result, I knew that Edmontonians, like my family member, needed culturally competent care. And it was such a pain point in our system for vulnerable individuals, from seniors, to families with children with disabilities. And that was the birth of CarePros. We wanted to provide culturally competent care and meet families where they’re at.

Today CarePros looks very different. While we started off supporting seniors and elders from a variety of different backgrounds, today we mainly support families with children with disabilities, as well as children in care under the guardianship of the Government of Alberta. From individuals who were born with rare genetic diseases, to individuals with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder, autism, reactive attachment disorde,r and foetal alcohol spectrum disorder, we work with some of the most resilient kids in and out of the hospital, and we continue to support them in order for them to achieve personal success in their lives.

Many of the kids we serve receive world-class care here at the Stollery Children’s Hospital. What is so special about running a business in Edmonton is the incredible support system, the resources, the mentorship that is available for not just tech startup companies, but for service-based health care companies like CarePros, where there is opportunities for innovation and disruption to make care better for vulnerable individuals.

Edmonton is definitely a community that cares and is willing to pay it forward. I’ve had the privilege to receive complimentary coaching, leadership training, access to resources to learn about various business functions, from organizational design, developments, to negotiating. I have the privilege along the way to access the various building blocks that is required to build and scale a company in Edmonton.


Thank you for joining us on this origin stories experiences through Edmonton!

We hope this inspires you to maybe join us for Thursday Night Tradition happy hour with StartupTNT, work with the brilliant all-female production team at Modern Muse Media to tell your own origin story, or start your own company right here, in the Edmonton Regional Innovation Area…

About CarePros

A team of compassionate and caring professionals who believe that your family deserves top quality care.

Caring for Children and Youth with Complex Behavioural and Medical Needs. At CarePros, we are committed to improving children’s mental health by providing high-quality, family-centred pediatric services. Our core values guide every step we take and shape our organization on a daily basis.

We’re a pediatric care provider that offers multiple child and youth services for you and your family including complex case care, respite care, in-home care, out-of-home care, and more. We are a proud service provider for Children Services (CS), Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD), and Persons with Developmental Disabilities (PDD).