Rumours Uncut
Story City Submission PMs Literary Awards 2018
To download the script/story for the project click this link: Rumours Uncut – PM’s Literary Awards – Story City
What is Story City?
Why be a tourist when you can be a pirate? Or survive a zombie apocalypse? Or converse with the ghostly soldiers from Brisbane’s WWII? With Story City you get to be the hero, you get to choose your adventure. Story City is a creator of locative stories, stories told in the location the audience is standing. Each story is accessed via our free, GPS smartphone and table app, which only unlocks a story when you’re standing in the right place. Whether they are real-life choose-your-adventures, puzzle trails, indigenous myths or historical tales, our stories are written, scored & illustrated by local artists who know their city best.
About the Project – Rumours Uncut
‘Rumours Uncut’ is an interactive real-life choose-your-adventure through the historic, Salisbury streets, in the Brisbane City Council ward of Moorooka. The author’s aim was to highlight the WWII sites and history of the area and convey them via a historical fiction tale that
would appeal to youth and families.
Buried ammunition or an explosive military secret that will rock the suburb of Salisbury?
A rumour circulates Salisbury that caches of ammunition were supposedly buried by soldiers during World War Two. Nobody knows where and that’s what you’re here to find out. But your plan to update your progress on your Facebook page, Rumours Uncut, is hampered by a rival who wants to steal your glory, and a ghost who leads you astray. And why are you questioned by a soldier in a suburb that hasn’t known military activity since the war ended? Is the rumour of buried ammunition a cover for a bigger secret? What else was hidden in Salisbury that was never meant to be found?
Participants begin at the start-location which only unlocks in the mobile app if they’re standing in the right spot. The participant is a character who gets to choose their narrative. Each new choice leads to a different location, and provides a unique city tour. The piece takes 30-40mins to complete.
Project’s webpage
Download Instructions
The Story City app and ‘Rumours Uncut’ story are available for free and can be downloaded onto your smart phone or tablet from your local Android or Apple app store, or by going to the below links:
Make sure your device is connected to WiFi. Once the app is opened you will find ‘Rumours Uncut’ is the 12th story in the list under the heading ‘Brisbane’ (when shown in City order). The Story will automatically load each page if you’re connected to WiFi or mobile internet.
The best experience will be found via your Android or Apple smartphone device (For Android your operating system should be Android 5.1 or higher, for your Apple device the operating system should be iOs8 or above), however the app can also be experienced on your Android or Apple tablet.
Your device should have WiFi or mobile internet capabilities. If you were experiencing the project as it should be experienced, on location in Salisbury, Brisbane, your device would also need GPS for the best experience (but the experience can be done without GPS).
We recommend you listen to the audio via headphones connected to your device.
If you wish to review the written story free of technology and the Story City app, the full script with images and links to download audio, can be found in the following pages.
How Can I Access the Story on the App from the Comfort of my Home?
Each Story City story has a start location in the city that it is set. It is only when you are standing at that location that the app will open the story and allow you to experience it. From there you are given choices as to where to go next. Each choice leads you to a new location, and a new piece of the adventure. Which means you must walk the city to unfold the adventure! You can see how this works by checking out the video below:
However, if you would like to view the ‘Rumours Uncut’ story in the Story City app, without starting at the Reload Café and having to walk around the streets of Salisbury, Brisbane, then you can follow the below instructions to be able to move through the app and stories from the comfort of your own home:
1. Download the app and make sure your WiFi or mobile data is turned on. If you plan to move through all of the different branches of the story, we recommend you do this on WiFi to save your internet data quota.
2. In the main screen for the Story City app (once you have downloaded it and selected ‘Start Playing’), select the ‘Config’ tab. This is at the top of Android versions and at the bottom for Apple.
3. Scroll down to the option ‘Navigate using GPS’ and turn it off (the square next to it should be grey).
4. Then go to the ‘List’ tab and select the twelfth story under the heading, Brisbane, ‘Rumours Uncut’, to test it.
5. You will be taken to a page with a description of the story, and the credits of the artists who created it.
6. Select the ‘Start’ button to begin.
7. You can read the story or have it narrated to you by pressing the ‘Audio’ button on the bottom right. To stop the audio at any time, select the ‘Stop’ button on the right with the music note next to it.
8. By selecting the ‘Map’ button on the bottom left you will have a map pop-up with a pin that will show you where you should be standing for that section of the story, and the options you have to continue the story.
9. Normally you would walk to the option of your choice, however, in this case you should be able to tap on the option you’d like to move to in the map and the app should open up the next part of the adventure.
10. If the app opens up your Google map directions application instead, this means you have not followed the instructions in number 2 and 3 of this list.
11. To close/finish a story, select the middle ‘End’ button at the bottom.
12. If you wish to go backwards in the story and see where another branch would have taken you, please do NOT press the back button. To avoid the GPS in the field from having a panic attack we have disabled this function. To check out another path you will first have to end you story by selecting the middle ‘End’ button and saying ‘Yes’ to ending the adventure. You then must reenter the story from the list, navigate back to the branch you want to explore and select the other path.
For ease of reference I have included the script for the story in following pages if you prefer to explore the story in this way rather than continually surfing through the app.