Download Instructions
The Story City app and it’s stories are currently available for free and can be downloaded onto your smart phone or tablet from your local Android or Apple app store, or by going to the below links:
Android: http://bit.ly/StoryCityAndroid
Apple: http://bit.ly/StoryCityApple
Make sure your device is connected to WiFi or has mobile data capabilities. If you were experiencing the project as it should be experienced, on location in the city where it is set, your device would also need GPS for the best experience (but the experience can be done without GPS).
How Can I Access the Story on the App from the Comfort of my Home?
Each Story City story has a start location in the city that it is set. It is only when you are standing at that location that the app will open the story and allow you to experience it. The next part of the story leads you to a new location, and a new piece of the adventure. Which means you must walk the streets to unfold the adventure! You can see how this works by checking out the video below:
However, if you would like to view one of the stories without being in the correct city, you can follow the below instructions to be able to move through the app and stories from the comfort of your own home:
1. Download the app and make sure your WiFi or mobile data is turned on. If you plan to move through all of the different branches of the story, we recommend you do this on WiFi to save your internet data quota.
2. In the main screen for the Story City app select the ‘Config’ tab. This is at the top of Android versions and at the bottom for Apple.
3. Scroll down to the option ‘Navigate using GPS’ and turn it off (the square next to it should be grey).
4. Then go to the ‘List’ tab and select a story to test. You will be taken to a page with a description of the story, and the credits of the artists who created it.
5. Select the ‘Start’ button to begin.
6. You can read the story or have it narrated to you by pressing the ‘Audio’ button on the bottom right. By selecting the ‘Map’ button on the bottom left you will have a map pop-up with a pin that will show you where you should be standing for that section of the story, and the options you have to continue the story.
7. Normally you would walk to the option of your choice, however, in this case you should be able to tap on the option you’d like to move to in the map and the app should open up the next part of the adventure.
8. To close/finish a story, select the middle ‘End’ button at the bottom. If you wish to stop the adventure and see what happened along a different path, select ‘End, then just reopen the story, select ‘Start’, and follow the new path using the map and tap function described above.